The Non-Aligned Movement Disarmament Database is a unique on-line resource offering a “one-stop shop” to membership of nonproliferation and disarmament treaty and institutions of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), as well as for political positions and statements made by the NAM in multilateral fora related to international nonproliferation disarmament issues. Database includes an interactive map allowing users to select brief profiles and treaty memberships of specific NAM member and observer countries. Users are able to search for documents and statements based on the fora and year in which they were presented. The Database categorizes statements based on topics most frequently examined or deliberated by NAM in these fora. Information is primary sourced from NAM Summit and other documents issues after senior officials meetings, official NAM communications, working papers, and United Nations records.
The Database was launched in April 2012. The first fora to be archived was the NAM Heads of State Summits, and the Database continues to grow as more fora and documents are added. It is a work-in-progress, with the goal to chronicle all NAM statements on disarmament and nonproliferation. The Database was created and has been maintained by CNS staff and CNS Graduate Research Assistants, including Joe Brazda, Shannon Brooks, Jessica Bufford, Christian Ciobanu, Jerry Davydov, Jean du Preez, Jonathan Fox, Eduardo Fujii, Karim Kamel, Tracy Lyon, Sophie Manoukian, Aubrey Means, Ana-Maria Musteata, Nomsa Ndongwe, Francisco Parada, Himayu Shiotani, David Steiger, Kyle Swinnerton, Luejit Tinpanga, Lovely Umayam, Ryan Vigneux, Adam Weber and Aruni Wijewardane.